International protection seekers can apply to the Croatian Employment Service for registration as unemployed/job seekers upon the expiry of nine months of the day of the application for international protection, which has not been decided by the Ministry of the Interior.

Registration with the Croatian Employment Service is carried out based on permanent or temporary residence and can be done in-person or via e-mail.
In-person registration is available at the following addresses:
  • Croatian Employment Service, Zagreb Regional Office
  • Ulica kralja Zvonimira 15
  • Trg hrvatskih pavlina 4 (Malešnica)
  • Savezne Republike Njemačke 6 (Novi Zagreb)
  • Trg Dragutina Domjanića 6 (Sesvete)
When registering with the Service, the following documentation must be submitted:
Valid residence card
Personal identification number OIB
Certificate of the Ministry of the Interior (MoI) confirming the granting of temporary protection status
Valid documentation regarding completed education, if in possession can be delivered at a later date (upon recognition)
No prior appointment at the front desk is necessary to register with the Service.
Registration via e-mail:

When registering, it is necessary to include a filled out registration form available at Registering as an unemployed person and enclose a scan or photograph of the following:
  • Valid temporary residence card
  • Personal identification number OIB
Upon receipt of their online registration, the person will be contacted by an employment counsellor who will schedule the first individual counselling session, at which the person will present the rest of the documentation, providing other necessary data: general data, information on health and social status, education, work experience, interest and motivation for employment, as well as data relevant for further cooperation aimed at furthering education or integration into the labour market. Through individual and group work, counsellors offering professional information and counselling will help unemployed persons prepare to successfully search and gain employment.
Documentation on education attained outside of the Republic of Croatia

Persons with valid documentation regarding their education attained outside of the Republic of Croatia must proceed by initiating qualification recognition proceedings, which are carried out by various bodies depending on educational attainment level:
Persons without valid documentation regarding education attained outside of the Republic of Croatia must make a sworn statement before a notary and submit it to their learning institution. If previous education cannot be substantiated, the learning institution will organise an entrance exam to determine the grade in which the entrant will be placed.
Preparing unemployed persons for integration into the labour market
Interactive workshops aimed at gaining knowledge and skills relevant for successful job-seeking preparing CVs and cover letters and learning how to present oneself to employers, lasting 3 hours and led by competent counsellors offering professional information and counselling (in Croatian or English)
Unemployed persons can pursue education financed through the programme of Active Employment Policy Measures aimed at gaining professional competencies or a new occupation. The measure enables disadvantaged unemployed persons to gain practical skills and knowledge necessary for the execution of the tasks of a particular job during a period of four to six months, after which the employer or learning institution will issue a certificate of qualification
Employment on the open labour market
All job vacancies registered with the Employment Service are available online at burzarada.hzz.hr
Unemployed persons can publish their CV’s in the Employment Service’s CV database, which is available to all employers with a user account. The counsellor informs unemployed persons of job vacancies according to their skills and motivations, schedules job interviews with employers and acts as mediator during the process of employment.
Obligations and rights of persons registered as unemployed
Active job search, counselling, individual sessions and other activities aiming to prepare unemployed persons for employment
Employment counsellors provide counselling and regular individual sessions:
COUNSELLING is carried out via interviews with unemployed persons in order to prepare them for active job searching, define the Professional job search plan or Job integration agreement in case of long-term unemployment, and familiarise them with the activities and measures implemented by the Service, as well as their rights and obligations during unemployment.
INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS are held on a weekly basis or by appointment for the purpose of exchanging information about job-seeking activities.
Availability for work

Unemployed persons are available for work if they respond to all of the Service’s calls regarding employment and employment preparations. Unemployed persons define the time during which they are available and further communication about employment preparations and mediation with their employment counsellors.
Unemployed persons exercise the following rights:
  • Right to financial compensation
  • Right to lump-sum financial compensation
  • Financial aid and reimbursement of education-related expenses
  • One-off financial aid and reimbursement of travel and relocation expenses
  • Right to pension insurance
  • Right to financial compensation for persons who had been employed abroad
  • In the City of Zagreb the unemployed exercise the right to more affordable public transportation fares.
Co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.